Friday, June 23, 2006

Just another week

Hello to all,

Another week has gone by, not too much else to speak of. In truth this has been a rather dull week, Tawnya has worked and so did I. Out side of work, Tawnya's soft ball games and the Cadets. This years group looks to be a great group. A rather small group but a good group none the less. Sorry for such a short post, but I am looking over pict. now and will be trying to get this page really running over the weekend. But then again that all depends on how being on call goes this weekend.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fun and Fishing

Anthony, Tawnya and I out having a great time fishing, hiking, getting stung by a bee and well just generaly having fun!

We made a few new friends... yeah yeah yeah... don't feed the...

Errrr mine is bigger then yours!

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Getting Started

Just getting started.
