Thursday, January 11, 2007

First Pictures

Ok Ok Ok time to really say something, maybe nothing too big but when I have something like this to share, why the heck not!!!! Our first check with the doctor they figured a due date around the 8th of August, well that has changed just a bit to August 27th. Made it through our second check and first pictures, with a great listen and look. On the way out of the doctors office we laughing started calling the baby August, rather then "it". We figured due date, name what then heck... now to really see what we can come up with for a name. If August turns out to be a girl (my vote ;-P) we are all good we just have to figure out one from the list. On the other hand if we get a boy...well... guess we have a few months.

01/11/2007 - 7 weeks 5 daysPosted by Picasa

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